3,400 Personnel to Guard Pashupati Area, Million Devotees for Maha Shivarathri

Kathmandu_nepalKATHMANDU, NEPAL, February 17, 2015 (Ekantipur): Nepal Police will deploy 3,400 personnel in the Pashupati area on Tuesday as devotees throng the holy site during the Shivaratri, one of the biggest Hindu festivals.

Police have established a post to command 12 temporary posts headed by Inspectors at North Gate, Bishworupa, Bankali Parking, four Shivalayas, Pingalastan, Ram Mandir, Uma Kunda, Kailash Hill, temple area, Tilganga and Siphal Ground. The main command will be handled by a Superintendent of Police while 512 personnel have been deputed in the area since Monday morning until Tuesday night.

Around 1 million people are expected to visit Pashupatinath for the festival on Tuesday. “We are focussing more on surveillance through Close Circuit Television cameras. There are 32 CCTV units watching the temple premises and the movement of people from Tilganga and Gaushala areas,” said SSP Khadka. Bomb disposal squads and sniffer dogs will remain stand-by while reinforcements will be available.

Source: hinduismtoday.com