An Open Letter From The Bangladeshi Community Of Los Angeles

Press Release

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, January 10, 2014 : As you know, our beloved Bangladesh is going through a severe crisis. Its independence and democracy has become a question on everyone’s minds. The government held elections on January 5th, 2014 was boycotted by the mass population and the biggest political parties as well. The international community has expressed their disapproval of the elections held. The current corrupted government has started a new drama to change the focus of people away from them. They are now attacking the minority in Bangladesh. Many members/supporters/cadres of BAL (Bangladesh Awami League) are attacking and destroying many Hindu temples and homes. We all should condemn the heinous and barbaric acts. The minorities are also citizens of Bangladesh and have equal rights to live a happy and peaceful life without fear. All the citizens of Bangladesh are an important part of the nation. All have equal rights regardless of religious or social backgrounds. The government needs to realize that it has nothing to gain but hatred by destroying and hurting the innocent lives of people. Please everyone raise your voice against injustice and corruption. We, the people, have the power to change our lives, our country, and our world. It is not too late for change. I hope that the current government will restore the nation’s democracy and hold a fair, free, and credible election under a neutral third entity. When a nation improves, citizens also improve at an individual level. Likewise, when individuals improve the nation improves. So let’s all change our surroundings and change our nation and make it the great nation it deserves to be.

Once again, we the Bangladeshi Community of Los Angeles condemn the heinous and barbaric acts of the thugs and cadres who are burning down the homes and properties of our innocent civilians and the temples of Hindus and Buddhists.

Source: Hinduism Today