16 Year Old Hindu Girl Raped Then Murdered by Muslims in Bangladesh

Ms.Umrachiung Marma

Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW) has released their report on the rape and murder of a 16 year old Hindu girl in Bangladesh on December 15, 2014.  Ms. Umraching Marma was found alone near an electric tower by the two Muslims perpetrators, Masud Rana (20) and Nizam Uddin (21). Both men forced Umraching Marma to the ground to rape her.  When she resisted they placed a sharp object at her neck.  According to the perpetrators her throat was slit when she tried to escape and the sharp object cut her neck.  The two Muslim men then fled the spot. Since they have admitted their crimes, it is hoped (but not certain) they will be punished to the full extent of the law…  pictures and documents below.

Kaptai (13)


Adibasi School Girl Ms. Umraching Marma@ Chabi Marma (16) sexually assaulted and murdered on 14.12.2014 at Kaptai-Rangamati CHT.

Country: Bangladesh

Type of Violation:

Type of Act:  Right to Life and Integrity

Submitted to GHRD: 01.02.2015

GHRD Contact: Ms. Nazli Tuncay

Investigation conducted by:  Adv. Rabindra Ghosh,  Ms. Nishkriti Sharmi, Ms. Afsana  Mimi and Rabindranath Baral of BDMW

Date of investigation: 31st of January, 2015

Kaptai (11)

1. Identity of the victim:

Name: Ms. Umraching Marma

Age at time of event: 16

Under 18:  Yes

Citizenship: Bangladesh

Religion: Adibasi

Home address: Bangchari Muslim Area, Kaptai Police station.

Consent:           Yes, consent taken

 Kaptai (16)Kaptai (12)

2. Date and place of event:

Date: 15-12-2014

Location: Bangchari Muslim Area peak of the hill near north side of the Electric Tower of Kaptai.

Kaptai (8)

3. Alleged perpetrator(s):

  1. Md. Masud Rana (20) son of Md. Mahatab(Father) and Safiya(Mother)
  2. Nizam Uddin (21) son of Md. Nasir (Father) and Shefali Begum(Mother)

Address- Bangchari Muslim Area, kaptai, Chittagong

Kaptai (17)

4. Legal status:

The father of the victim lodged FIR at Kaptai Police Station on 16.12.2014 under section 302/34 of Bangladesh Penal Code against Two Perpetrators. Police registered the case and arrested the perpetrators on 17.12.2014 with the sharp Weapon Dao and the perpetrator confessed their guilt under section 164 of Code of Criminal Procedure.

 Kaptai (23)

5. Case Summary:

The perpetrators are local people and they usually cut wood for their fire consumption at their home. On the date of incident they went to nearby hill to cut wood in the forest. They found the victim were working alone and then they  chalked out a plan to rape Adibasi Marma Girl Ms. Umraching Marma on 14-12-2014 at 11.15 am and accordingly they climbed on the hill  that they would rape the victim forcefully but in the mean time she was killed by the perpetrator’s sharp weapon. BDMW also visited the house of perpetrators at Muslim Para, mo thers of the perpetrators said ” We have no objection if my sons are  proved guilty for punishment and crying ”

The perpetrator Masud Rana confessed his guilt as under- “on 15-12-2014 near about 11.15am I went to hill to cut wood with a sharp Dao. Md Nizam Uddin is my neighbour and friend. I met with him at Bangchari Muslim Para area beside Electric tower. He proposed me that, under the electric tower victim Umraching Marma is working, let us rape her.” I agreed with his proposal. Nizam Uddin  asked victim Umraching Marma to carry out the wood to up of the hill and took her up of the hill. It was decided that at first Nizam Uddin will rape her(MS. Umraching Marma) and then I(Masud Rana). When Nizam tried to rape Umraching Marma she prohibited him. Then Nizam called me for help and I went up there and we both forcefully laid her down and tried to rape her but she again prohibited us both. Whenever she tried to scream for help I put sharp weapon on her throat. When she tried to get up my sharp weapon cut her throat  and she died on spot. We then fled away to our home.”

Kaptai (19)

 6. Action:

  1. BDMW Investigated the matter on 31-01-2015 and visited the spot, met with the father and mother of the victim, took statements of the legal guardians and the local witnesses. All the statements of the local guardians and neighbour have been recorded in the video camera.
  2. BDMW also visited the police station and talked with Md.Harun-ar-Rashid- officer in charge and  respective investigative officer of Kaptai P.S. who cooperated with us for a fact finding and  we have been given to understand by them that the statement made by the accused persons are relevant and this statements made before the Judicial Magistrate  are enough  for adjudication of the case at the time of trial.
  3. BDMW collected copy of FIR
  4. Copy of forwarding note of Police,
  5. Copy of medical certificate from civil surgeon,
  6. Copy of 164 (Confessional) statements of the perpetrators
  7. Talked with the parents of victim and they have given us understand that their daughter was sexually attempted to sexual abuse and ultimately the perpetrators have killed their daughter by cutting her throat by sharp weapon
  8. Police also seized the Sharp weapon Dao from the perpetrators’ house.
  9. The local people irrespective of cast and creed have organized a human chain for the justice to victim’s family.

 Kaptai (20)

 7 Case Documents:


FIR Copies

Victim’s Picture

Investigation Picture

Confession of Perpetrator

Medical Report

News Link-

  1. http://chtnews.com/english/?p=1448
  2. http://kapaeeng.org/a-teen-aged-girl-killed-after-raping-iakaptai-and-two-girls-were-attempted-of-raping-in-khagrachari-district

Date: 01-02-2015

End of communication as of:

Submitted to:

Kaptai (4)

8. Recommendations:

1) BDMW is very much concerned about brutal murder of Adibashi girl while trying to rape .

2) As the perpetrators confessed their guilt at the time of confessional statements made before the Judicial Magistrate, there is no hesitation that the crime committed by them.

3) The Police officers of Kaptai Police station at CHT are very intelligent and they could find out the criminals to justice adopting good devices. However, the case should have been recorded under the provision of Women and Children Repression Act,2003.

4)  The perpetrators should be punished as per prevailing provision of law of the c country.

5)  The mother and father of the victim should be compensated for the loss they sustained after losing their daughter.


We came back from Chittagong Hill Tracts at Chittagong town on 31st of January,2015

Through :

Adv. Rabindra Ghosh

President-Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW)

12 K.M. Das Lane, Tikatully, Wari PS, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Source: justiceforhindus.org