– by Haji Hamika
As a Yezidi I am used to genocides. I am aware that we have a bad neighborhood and that we Yezidis are a non-Islamic, Kurmanji speaking ethnic group. Our people believe is reincarnation and do not wish that non-believers burn in hell. In fact there is no hell in out belief system. Malek Taus extinguished it with his tears seeing the pain of humanity. Presently we are undergoing our 74th genocide by the Islamic extremists ISIS. Yet this one was different in every way. During this ongoing Genocide which started on August 3,2014 , the ISIS attacked the Kurdish controlled town of Sinjar (Shingal) and the so-called Kurdish security forces ( Peshmarga ) escaped from the city, more than five hours before ISIS attack begun, leaving the Yezidis unarmed in ISIS’ hands. ISIS then took over the city of Sinjar , without facing any resistance from Peshmarga. They executed more than five thousand men, took seven thousand women and girls, who were then sold into sex slavery . UN had estimated that twelve thousand Yezidis are still under siege by ISIS on Sinjar Mountain without water, food ,and medical supplies which led to the death of many children and women , who died of dehydration according to eyewitnesses. ISIS then threatened to destroy our holiest place Lalish, which has survived many a storm, thus threatening to wipe out the 7000 yr old civilization forever. We looked down the barrel at the mother of all genocides, abandoned by the world because of our unique faith.
After the media has covered the news of the Yezidi Genocide ,the Hindu Religious community was one of the earliest groups that swung into action to help the Yezidis morally and materially . The Hindu spiritual leader, his Holiness Guruji Sri Sri Ravi Shankar immediately ordered the International Association for Human Values to airdrop hundreds of tons of different types of food,water,winter clothes , and medical supplies for the besieged people on the top of Sinjar Mountains. This helped to avoid the the humanitarian disaster that would have otherwise happened because of lack of food , water and other life necessities. If the Hindu community had not dropped the aids on the mountain survival for thousands in the mountains would have been impossible. In our folklore we have heard from generations that our forefathers came from India and that the Hindus are our brothers. Its a also a prophecy among the Yezidis that one day all those who believe in reincarnation will be united in spiritual harmony. No one thought that this will be realized in our own lifetime. But it happened, right in front of our eyes and in full global media glare. People of the “eternal religion” embracing a 7000 yr old ancient people as brothers. That makes this genocide very different.
The help and support of the Hindu Community and his Holiness Guruji Sri Sri Ravi Shankar did not stop at humanitarian aids alone, but his excellency also met the Yezidi delegation presented by the Yezidi spiritual leader , His Holiness Baba Shek who explained the details of Yezidi plight to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. His Holiness ( Ravi Shankar) also visited the holiest Yezidi site Lalish and showed respect for the Yezidi beliefs as representative of a billion or more Hindus. During the visit in November, Sri Sri personally went to see the
situation of 500,000 displaced Yezidis in refugee camps in Kurdistan Region, and to know the necessities of the Yezidi refugees to sustain them in these camps.
His Holiness , Ravi Shankar , also met many Iraqi and Kurdish political leaders and urged them to help the Yezidis and provide them with humanitarian aids and help protect the Yezidi civilians .The Hindu community also had prepared a group of highly educated Yoga instructors to visit Iraq in order to treat those who had been released from ISIS and are suffering from psychological trauma.