It’s continuous provocation at LOC to insert Islamic terrorists into India and create Mumbai – Taj attack havoc is in planning. PM Narendra Modi, Home minister Rajnath Singh and Defense Minister Manohar Parikkar has effectively diffused the Islamic terrorists heat of Pakistan in a prompt and effective military response making Hindus of India safe from Islamic republic of Pakistan proxy and direct programs.Hindu Mahasabha Of America (HMSA)offers it’s best wishes to Indian Govt. led by Narendra Modi. Anti terror operations against Maoists (Communist Gorillas) are also very appreciated. . Hindu Mahasabha Of America lauds US president Barack Obama visit to India where key agreements on joint combat on Islamic terror modules were discussed and designed. Hindu Mahasabha Of America looks forward to see terror free India by 2015.
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Hindu Mahasabha Of America
Source: HMSA