Protest : Online store “Fab Furnish” denigrates Hindu Deities

Fab-Furnish-_-Ganesh-door-handle-300x300Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) appeals devout Hindus to protest against an online store “Fab Furnish”, which is denigrating Hindu Dharma. This denigration is happening through having revered Hindu Deities on decorative items like door handles.

Link to such one of the denigrating items –

Below is a picture of one such item:

HJS promptly wrote to the online Fab Furnish store, bringing to their attention, the nature and ill effects of such denigration. (Protest Letter is published later on this page.) However, there has been no response whatsoever from Fab Furnish.

There are also many other denigrating items like pillow covers, key chains, wall clocks etc. in their online store. Below are the links and few images of the same.

Pillow Covers –

Wall Clock –

Keychains –

Laptop covers –

Fab Furnish_Ganesh Wall clock


Fab Furnish Ganesh pillow cover


Fab Furnish Keychain


In light of this, we appeal to you as devout Hindus, to register your peaceful, educative and prompt protest against this online Fab Furnish store. Let us show our unity by emailing or calling the store management, asking them to remove from their online store the line of products, which has pictures of revered Hindu Deities on them.

Fab Furnish Shiva Art


Fab Furnish Shiva Laptop Covers


Devout Hindus are registering 
their lawful protests on the following contacts

Fab Funish Store Address: Alix Retail Pvt Ltd,
Plot 521, Ground Floor,
Udyog Vihar Phase III,
Gurgaon 122016

Phone number: +91 124 6733300 (10 AM – 7 PM)


Corporate Sales/ Bulk Enquiries/ Marketing Alliances:

Product Vendor Relations:

Press Relations:



The protest letter written by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Fab Funish,
Alix Retail Pvt Ltd
Plot 521, Ground Floor
Udyog Vihar Phase III
Gurgaon 122016

Phone number : +91 124 6733300 (10 AM – 7 PM)
Corporate Sales/ Bulk Enquiries/ Marketing Alliances :
Product Vendor Relations :
Press Relations :

Kind Attn. Sudarshana

Dear Sirs,

Subject: Request to stop advertisement/sale/manufacture of products with Hindu Deities symbols/pictures like Ethnic Brass Ganesha Door Handle.

This refers to my telecommunication with your M/s Sudarshanaji on 22.8.2014

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is a registered NGO doing social, religious and National welfare work. Samiti is active throughout the world educating people about Dharma in a scientific way, campaigning against malpractices done under religious practices and solving problems connected with National, Religious and social fields. For further details, please refer to our website

We appreciate the glorification of Hindu Dharma by showing Hindu Deities on your products in the present difficult times. Accordingly, you might have put Deities’ pictures and religious symbols on your products.

However, during the use of such products they’re touched with dirty hands, washed with other dirty clothes, thrown away anywhere which may come under feet, go into the dust bin, gutter and as waste material etc. Thus, we find that there is denigration of Hindu deities, which hurts religious sentiments of millions of Hindus. This increases your destiny and SIN. The place of Deities’ pictures is the Temples and hearts of devotees. We have received a lot of complaints for the above issue. We feel that manufacturers are increasing the business by using Hindu deities’ pictures but actually it is denigration and an offense as per Indian Penal Code section 295A. Further, please note that using religious symbols on products is an offense as per Indian Trade Practice Act 1999.

In view of the above, we request you to stop the advertisement/sale/manufacturing of products with Hindu Deities symbols/pictures like Ethnic Brass Ganesha Door Handle etc.

Please acknowledge this letter and inform us in writing about the action taken by you.


Shivaji Vatkar,

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti