The Police in San Luis Practice Yoga for Stress

imagesSAN LUIS, ARGENTINA, September 8, 2014 (La Nacion): With support from the Ministry of Education of the province of San Luis, an Ayurvedic program, a system of traditional Indian medicine that balances mind and body, has begun. The police in the province of San Luis will have a rare opportunity to learn how to reduce stress levels in a program called “Ayurvedic Anti-Stress Program,” a scientifically valid way to achieve balance between mind and body.

This program, which will be given at the Institute of Public Security, is intended for security officers who carry out their front-line duties in street services and law enforcement agencies, such as firefighters, police, radio command, traffic police and special units. The turnout is 50 per month, which will make a total of 200, and the total duration of the program shall be the final four months of 2014; with a provision that it will be continued with more participants in 2015. 

According to the government of San Luis, since 1974 there have been over 600 scientific studies on this program at more than 250 universities and medical schools in 33 countries, which have shown many benefits among which are: faster recovery from post-traumatic stress, increase in short term memory and long-term increase in the rate of growth of intelligence, improvement in study and learning, less need for medical care, reducing hypertension, lowering cholesterol, free radicals, anxiety, insomnia and depression, marked stress reduction, deep relaxation, greater efficiency and productivity, effective rehabilitation of prisoners, reduced substance abuse, among many others. 

Source: Hinduism Today