Ashok M Thakkar is President and CEO of the Johns Creek, GA (USA) based Global Alliance Management company, ITTI, LLC. Ashok has degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Business Management and has visited over forty countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and North & South America to gain firsthand knowledge of management practices. He has lectured on the subject of Quality in USA, Canada, Mexico, Peru, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Egypt.
Prior to starting his consulting company (, Ashok held a senior executive position at Cutler-Hammer Products, Eaton Corporation, Milwaukee, WI. Winner of Wisconsin Governor’s “State Leader in the Practice of Total Quality Management”
Award, Ashok is a published author and internationally recognized speaker. His path-breaking work in Long-term Quality Strategy and Supply Chain Management has won him international accolades. Over the years, he has been on the faculties of University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, WI) and Marian College (Fond du Lac, WI). He was also affiliated with the Singapore Productivity and Standards Board (PSB) and India’s National Center for Quality Management (NCQM).
Ashok was designated “Profesor Visitante” by Norbert Wiener University of Lima, Peru. Ashok also produces video Documentaries on important topics related to History and Hinduism.