Hindu Mahasabha of America (HMSA) Announces New Chapter in Atlanta, Georgia


L-R: Mr. Bal .Krishna Gupta, Mr. Prashant Bhardwaj, Mrs. Radhika Suda, Mr. Ravi Narumanchi. Mr. Prashant Bhardwaj

is president of HMSA Atlanta, GA Chapter. 


Hindu Mahasabha of America (HMSA) is a forefront organization in United States serving Hindu cause. Formed in 2004 by a group of Hindu has been actively involved in defending Hindu human rights globally on socio- political levels. The vision of HMSA seeks active involvement of Hindus in political, social organizations and fosters activism. HMSA also enables young Hindus to learn activism, develop intellectual ship under guidance of experience mentor and lead large projects serving Hindu cause.  Current activities of HMSA involve implementing Hindu Sports Day (HSD) and Hindu Memorial Day (HMD) on an yearly basis, along with couple of articles and press releases on key issues impacting Hindus in America and worldwide. HMSA also invite and hosts prominent Hindu leaders from world.

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L-R: HMSA Atlanta Chapter members and well wishers with ex-National Secretary Rahul Chandra.

Atlanta, Georgia chapter of HMSA is its third chapter after Houston, Texas and New York – New Jersey chapter serving tri state area. During above ceremony Rahul Chandra, ex-National secretary of HMSA updated audience on key gap HMSA fills in American Hindu movement which enable Hindus fight anti –Hindu forces on political level. He updated audience on the intellectual and mentorship opportunities that are available at HMSA and where young beginner activists can participate, learn and lead projects and organizations independently.


Dilip Mehta, Houston, Texas based HMSA president updated audience on mission, vision and objective of HMSA. He emphasized on the need of addressing issues which are hurting Hindus mentally, financially physically across the world and collective duty of all Hindus to work towards protection and preservation of fellow Hindu brothers and sisters around the world. He said that without Karma Yoga (Action – in today’s world activism (since Dharma is in danger), Jnana Yoga (knowledge and awareness) futile – citing sacred quote from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. He educated audience that today Hindus are encountering attacks on ideological (attack on Hindu scriptures by anti-Hindu academia and authors), physical (racist attack in America, Europe, Pakistan, Bangladesh), emotional (defamation of Hindu gods, goddess in films, arts and music), spiritual level (conspiracies against Hindu seers and saints). To counter such attack, Hindus can’t leave the current onslaught for granted, instead should rise, participate / donate proactively in Hindu organizations and should the wheel of Dharma.


The newly appointed team was congratulated by eminent Atlanta, GA based Hindu – Shri. Bal Krishna Gupta (author and reformer). Bal Krishna Gupta will serve as mentor and guide to Atlanta, Georgia based chapter and will provide ideological guidance to young activists who compose HMSA chapter. Also Houston based Dilip Mehta will also serve as co mentor and guide to Atlanta, GE chapter for strategic projects. Currently Atlanta, GA chapter plans to implement Hindu Sports Day and Hindu Memorial Day ( to commemorate Hindus who were victims of genocide and human rights violation in Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh).