Police are searching for the suspects,a man and a woman,who they believe entered thetemple in Kennedy Rd. andMcNicoll Ave. area around 9p.m. Sunday night
“I was saddened to learn this morning of an armed robbery at a local Hindu temple–Sri Varasithi Vinayagar Temple in Scarborough, ” said NDP MP Rathika Sitsabaiesan.
TORONTO – Toronto policeare searching for a man and awoman in connection with anarmed robbery last Sundayevening at a Hindu temple.Police alleged that the two suspectsentered the temple around9 p.m. in the Kennedy Rd. andMcNicoll Ave. with their facesdisguised.The woman then allegedlypointed a gun at a worshipperand attempted to tie him upwith zip ties and duct tape, whilethe man allegedly gathered theother victims.One of the victims managed toescape and call 911.The suspects did not obtain anything,according to police.Security camera images of thesuspects have been released.”I was saddened to learn thismorning of an armed robbery ata local Hindu temple–SriVarasithi Vinayagar Temple inScarborough, ” said NDP MPRathika Sitsabaiesan.”I unequivocally condemn suchheinous acts of violence at aplace of worship.”This temple is a very specialplace for my family and thousandsof others in the localHindu community. The peopleof Scarborough have the rightto live safely and without fear -in their homes, at their workplaces,and their places of worship.”Scarborough is a shining exampleof Canada’s diversity, wherefaith based organizations andtemples are institutions of peacethat celebrate Canadian multiculturalism.Attacks on suchinstitutions should not be takenlightly.”Temple manager Jeya Rajah isleaving matters up to the divine,saying the robbers will get theircomeuppance .“They’re going to be punishedby God,” Rajah told Sun newsThursday.Police have said the two robbersdisguised their faces and tried touse duct tape to control theworkers before fleeing emptyhanded.Police are searching for a whitewoman aged 20-35, 5-foot-2 and110 pounds, who wore a beigeand black hat and black clothing.The man is described as black,aged 25-30, 5-foot-7, and 150pounds. He had facial hair andwas wearing an inside-out jacketand light pants.Anyone with informationshould call police at 416-808-7300 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.